My Gift is an experience that demands your full attention. We go as far as suggesting that if you want the full experience, it means no distractions, no texting, no liking and scrolling on social media, and most likely no giggling and talking. My Gift is an extremely personal movie that will touch every person differently. Some moments will make you laugh, some will make you cry, but most importantly - they will bring something deeply personal out of you.
Our test screening showed that people develop an emotional connection with this movie and begin reflecting on their past and future. In such cases, there is no better company, than your own.
That is not to say that the movie shouldn’t be shared; it’s exactly the opposite. We recommend you watch it alone at first and then share it with everyone you know so they can have the same magical first experience. And then, you can share all of your incredible emotions and keep each other motivated on your path to a better you.
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